Tai Chi for Health Patch
2 options available:
- Iron-on patch
- Sew-on patch
13 Reviews
Tai Chi for Health Patch
I purchased the iron-on patch and it was easy to apply to my shirt. I did reinforce it with a few stitches and it washed perfectly.
I'm so happy that I can finally wear it!
Perfect Patch!
The patch is perfect size to add to my own apparel. I will wear it proudly as I lead my very own TCAFP classes!
I both the sew on and iron on Tai Chi for Health Patches, the sew on patch I am thinking of sewing it a royal blue polo shirt and the iron Tai Chi for Health Patch on darker blue jacket some where between royal blue and Navel blue, so as to look like when one takes off the jacket you ready to row up yourselves and start teaching Tai Chi. I am thinking of carry stylus pen the jacket pocket that says something like TAI CHI FOR HEALTH and my phone number.
Tai Chi for Health Iron on Patch
The iron on Tai Chi for Health Patch did not work as I hoped, the shirt I was going to use had a pocket which I tried to remove to place the patch in its place. The shirt was a dark blue with a collar and gray liner, more of a formal shirt. I put two holes in the shirt trying take the pocket off destroying the shirt. I will keep the patch and search for a blue jacket they look so professional, they tell the whole the whole story.
Tai Chi for health iron on patch and pin
I love these patches because I can put them on any clothing and they look so professional. Best bargain you can get.! So happy , In the past I have bought 2 others when I became a Tai Chi Instructor!
Tai Chi for Health Iron on Patch
I'm a certified instructor and I love the patch...have sewn it to a couple of my sweatshirts and T-shirts...very sturdy and wears well during a wash. It looks very professional and I love being part of the Tai Chi for Health family.
Mutual respect gift
In May of this year I suddenly found myself during my 63rd year moving from Tai Chi student to instructor. My fellow classmates of two years plus became my students and they could not have been more gracious and supportive. Up to and including play acting new students for me before the first scheduled beginners class. I wanted a way to express my gratitude and purchasing each of them one of these humble and yet symbolic patches seemed ideal, and it was. I also purchased a couple for myself in order to present a most professional look for my new students.
Tai Chi for Health Patch High Quality turns any workout clothing into tai chi wear.
I like to wear bicycle jerseys for taking and giving Tai Chi classes, especially since I commute to to class on a bike. With these patches to customize my jerseys for Tai Chi. The patches are of good quality, but I've had bad experience with iron on patches in the past, but was able to get a seamstress to sew the patches on my shirts. I therefore cannot report on how well patches work as iron on.